About Us

"Get it Clean with Extreme" ---- We believe that having "affordable prices" with quality service and value is the key to "lifetime customers". At Extreme Steam Cleaning, LLC customer service involves 5 parts which are: 

        1) Customer schedules appointment

        2) Appointment is confirmed the day before

        3) Extreme Steam Cleaning, LLC technician completes the job

        4) Customer is contacted via email or a follow up call 
            within five days of job completion

        5) We contact the customer every 3-6 months to find out if
            their carpet/upholstery is in need of cleaning again

We call this Complete Extreme Steam Cleaning customer service. We are locally family owned and operated with over 15yrs of carpet and upholstery cleaning experience. We will beat any competitors advertised price. Servicing Indianapolis and ALL Surrounding Areas. Residential/Commercial Cleaning Available 24 Hours - 7 Days a Week! No Hidden Costs, the price includes Pre-treatment & Spotting for each room cleaned. It Doesn't Take Much to Freshen Up Your Home Bringing Out the Best in Your Home (your carpet, upholstery) is very important to Extreme Steam Cleaning, LLC because first impressions matter.There's an easy way to keep your home looking great. Consistent attention to your carpet and upholstery. We'll help you get rid of tough stains, dust, pet fur and more. Our business is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.